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Así es como funciona )

Abiogenesis refers to the idea that life can arise from non-living matter, without the intervention of other living organisms. It is a hypothesis that has been proposed to explain the origin of life on Earth.

Genetics, on the other hand, is the study of the inheritance of traits and characteristics that are passed from parent to offspring. It involves the study of DNA, genes, and heredity.

Abiogenetics is a term used to describe the combination of both of those concepts, it would refer to the study of the origin of life from non-living matter through genetic means.

Abiogenesis is the study of how life originated from non-living matter, it is the study of the origin of life. Whereas, Genetics is the study of the inheritance, variation, and development of traits in living organisms.

Therefore, "Abiogenetics" could be a term used to describe the study of how genetic traits and characteristics first emerged in living organisms through the process of abiogenesis.

It could also refer to the study of how genetic information is passed on in organisms that arise through abiogenesis.

It could also refer to the study of the genetic makeup of organisms that arose through abiogenesis, as opposed to organisms that arose through evolution.

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