Queensgate Systems Ltd UK - ЁЯСЗSCROLL DOWN FOR DETAILED INFOтмЫ(black panel)ЁЯСЗ

This is our current full list.┬а

Please note - the above "ЁЯСЗSCROLL DOWN┬аFOR DETAILED INFO" notice only applies on individual┬аdomain name pages, where you have clicked on the domain name itself, eg: www.0AV.com┬а(and not on the "ЁЯСЗSCROLL DOWN FOR DETAILED INFOтмЫ" text under each domain). It means that Regular sales pricings and other notes are as noted in Description (white on black panel) which is sometimes missed by viewers. This is due to glitches in the way Dan is setup.

About Us┬а- We are located in the UK and backed by a 30 year old business. We have never "squatted" - ie: registered a domain that is misleading or trademarked (even pending) by another company or institution. We try to be ethical and honourable.┬а

Fun Facts:

MY 57 CAR as a vehicle number plate sells for thousands and is only seen by the guy behind you. And yet most domain names of much higher visual impact sell for only a fraction. Domain names are UNDERVALUED and represent a great investment.