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el 98 % de todas las transferencias de titularidad de dominios se completan en un período de 24 horas. Primero, el vendedor nos entrega el dominio, luego te enviamos las instrucciones de transferencia personalizadas. ¿Necesitas ayuda? Nuestros especialistas en transferencias de titularidad de dominios te asistirán sin costes adicionales.

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Resumen del IVA

Estimado en USD

Condiciones del comprar a plazos

110 USD
Pago mensual
Resumen del precio

Titularidad completa tras9 meses

Cargo por servicio a largo plazo0%

Precio total de compra 987

Estimado en USD

Condiciones para hacer una oferta

Estimado en USD

¡El nombre de dominio

está a la venta!
Ted Stalets
Registrado por
Ted Stalets

Obtener este dominio

Paga 987 USD al completo ahora, o selecciona Comprar a plazos, o haz una oferta.

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110 USD
Pago mensual
Titularidad completa tras 9 meses

  • )Gratis Transferencia de titularidad
  • )Gratis Transferencias asistidas
  • )Pagos seguros
Ted Stalets
Registrado por
Ted Stalets

Programa de protección al comprador
Transferencias rápidas y sencillas
Pagos sin inconvenientes

La forma simple y segura de comprar nombres de dominio

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Así es como funciona )

Own The Entire Product/Service Marketplace in This Industry - Mixed Realities

Augmented Reality (AR) eyeglasses are wearable devices that overlay digital information onto the user's view of the physical world. They typically consist of a display system, sensors, and processing capabilities to detect and augment the user's surroundings in real-time. These devices are designed to enhance the user's perception of reality by blending virtual content with the real environment.

Several companies have developed AR eyeglasses, each with its own features and capabilities. Some of the prominent ones include:

Microsoft HoloLens: HoloLens is one of the most well-known AR eyewear devices. It features see-through holographic lenses, spatial sound, and advanced sensors to create immersive mixed-reality experiences. It has found applications in various industries, including gaming, education, healthcare, and manufacturing.

Google Glass: Google Glass was one of the earliest AR eyewear devices to gain attention. It features a small display positioned above the wearer's eye, allowing them to access information hands-free. While the initial consumer version faced some limitations, Google has since shifted its focus to enterprise applications, where it has found use in fields such as logistics, manufacturing, and healthcare.

Magic Leap One: Magic Leap One is another AR headset that aims to blend digital content seamlessly with the real world. It utilizes a technology called "digital lightfield" to create lifelike virtual objects that appear to coexist with the physical environment. It has been primarily targeted at developers and creators for building AR experiences.

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